Real Gift

Published on 3 October 2024 at 20:30

I hope you enjoyed the email. Emailman Pat certainly had lots of fun while writing it.


However, if you're clever enough to have got to this point, that means you deserve an actual Reward.



As said in the email, we're going to play a little game here.


I need you to keep that 6-sided dice with you and bring it to London. This game needs 2 players, not 1. So you'll have to wait until the 11th of January. Unlucky you ;)


The game is very simple, even for a 13 year-old child.

The steps are the following:


  1. Google Skyscanner and search for a 4-day holiday any time in February/March. You must be wondering, holidays where? I don't know, let's find out.
  2. Let's click on "(Palm tree emoji) Explore everywhere". Among the first 7 options, each player will Veto one of them. That will leave 5 ordered options.
  3. Roll the dice Once and ... that'll be your awesome holiday destination. No time to complain or look back.



Perhaps, if you can count up to 6, you must be wondering, what if the dice says "6"?

If that's the case, the destination will be ... Georgia (the country).

If you're asking yourself, what if Georgia was already among the first 5 options? Well, the answer is, it won't. It's not close, cheap or as beautiful as Georgia the hurricane. Conclusion: do Not roll a 6.


Last note: if the country of destination happens to have several cities as options, the players can agree on which one in specific to go to. After all, not everything is based on luck in this life.


With fascination,

Emailman Pat 


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Hurricane M.C.
3 months ago

1/5 stars

I found this website took an unreasonably long time to navigate due to extremely thoughtful details which grievously assaulted my emotions and caused me to get stuck repeatedly rereading the same lines in a happy delirium.
The font is easy to read and there were interesting images supporting the text, but that didn't outweigh the glaringly obvious lack of photos of Emailman Pat. It is the reader's prerogative to see the one true wonder of the world, especially when considering travel (in particular, the Madrid -> LDN flight on Jan 11).
The security on this page also left much to be desired. This website, encouraging gambling, has no safeguarding to minors like myself and consequently I have developed an addiction (to an OAP. I'm all in).

Finally, I found the homepage to be offensive. I do not want it to be "every man for himself", as I want this man for myself.

1 star as I can't complain.